Success Stories of Quality of Life

The testimonials below represent some of our clients who sought treatment from Columbus Fitness Consultants to improve their quality of life.

Let Columbus Fitness Consultants help you attain your health and fitness goals!

Dr. Ansel Photo

Gary A.

"I am now 65 years old and had developed such severe shoulder pain in my shoulders that I had trouble sleeping and putting on a jacket. I traveled a lot and putting suitcases in an overhead bin was very hard. I was diagnosed with labrum tears as well as near full length tendon tears of my shoulders. I traveled to Colorado and had stem cell treatments. Physical therapy was prescribed and since my wife who had a very bad knee and children had gotten such great results at CFC I decided to utilize CFC, specifically Andrew for my therapy. Andrew has individualized my therapy and workouts, and I am now in great shape. I still am receiving laser to my left shoulder but the right is normal. Andrew has also focused on my balance since I have a hereditary middle ear issue and flexibility to prevent injury. I have to say, as a physician, I am very pleased with the science Andrew utilizes as well as his personal touch. CFC has done a great job for my entire family."

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Karen M.

If you are experiencing any type of back pain or back stiffness, you need to contact the folks at Columbus Fitness Consultants. They helped me solve my back pain, without the use of drugs or surgical procedures.

Initially, I tried all of the traditional processes. I contacted my doctor, who prescribed Aleve for 30 days, followed by a prescription for muscle relaxers. The muscle relaxers just make me sleepy. I tried both heat and ice-pack solutions. I worked with my massage therapist to see if she could work it out.  I googled stretching solutions as well. 

Eventually, I contacted Andrew at Columbus Fitness Consultants. I saw an 80% improvement after the first visit.  I had additional sessions with Jake. They worked different muscles in the body to address the pain. I can tell you that as of today, the lower back pain is gone. They will be my first point of contact, should I ever experience any other type of pain. A couple of years ago, they treated my husband’s back pain, as well. So, it is safe to say that as of today, we are both loyal customers of Columbus Fitness.

Roza S.

Roza S.

“I am grateful for the expertise and care given by my Columbus Fitness Consultants team. Due to my occupation, I had started to develop neck and back pain. I needed a solution besides OTC medications and wanted to improve my overall well-being. I had my initial consultation in June 2021 with Sarah Wilson, who helped customize my recovery plan. She recommended Muscle Activation Therapy and partnered me with Caleb Reed to aid in my strength training.

Sarah has helped educate me on the cause of my issues and helped eliminate my chronic pain and improved my overall posture with MAT. She is intelligent, kind, and I look forward to my sessions.

In order to maintain my results from MAT, Caleb has been wonderful to work with. I train with him twice a week and have developed overall strength, muscle tone, and endurance. He is very knowledgeable about physiology and encourages me to do my best at every training.

Self-care is an integral part of well-being. I am thankful to Sarah and Caleb for helping me invest in being the best version of myself.”

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Nancy K.

"I started at Columbus Fitness Consultants in 2008 and I’ve been there ever since. It’s the best investment in my health and well-being.

Working out one-on-one with a trainer at CFC provides me with customized sessions that allow me to work to my potential and keep improving. I have become stronger and improved my balance, keeping me active.

Over the years I have worked with multiple trainers at CFC, all excellent. CFC provides continuing education to all their staff so there is consistency in their knowledge which they share with their clients.

Muscle Activation Technique has also been an integral part of my health regimen at CFC. I started MAT to relieve acute shoulder pain, and it worked. I continue with MAT on a maintenance basis and the positive results keep me coming back.

The leadership and staff at CFC set a welcoming, respectful, and fun tone, and their commitment to their clients’ well-being is evident. This is a good place to be."


Randy C.

"My first appointment was on August, 8th, 2020. I called asking about the radial shockwave therapy for my knees. I started with treatment on my knees and then transitioned to workouts and now have moved into the maintenance phase.  I’m pain free and extremely grateful.  I was able to cut grass and take the dog for a walk with my wife without any discomfort last night. I’ve been with Jakub since the beginning. Andrew provided one MAT session early on in my treatment. I have referred my father for his hands, my son for MCL strain and a coworker for chronic heel pain.

My knee pain was debilitating, and I was ready to schedule replacement surgery based on a recommendation from my orthopedists.  Columbus Fitness Consultants was my last-ditch effort before surgery.  I’m happy I made the call.  I’m pain free and haven’t been back to see the orthopedists. The modalities used at CFC: MAT, FSM and Laser have been the most successful.

Jakub is a wonderful practitioner.  I value his expertise and treatment recommendations.  I called Jakub when my son strained his MCL and Jakub was able to see him the next day and provide treatment.  As a result of Jakub’s recommendations and treatment, Sam only missed one football game during his senior year; both Sam and I are grateful.  Sam received an athletic scholarship to play football at Ashland University in the fall so you can imagine the level of trust I have in Jakub and his talents.  I’m thankful to have developed a relationship with Jakub and CFC."


Squire G.

"I first started coming to CFC in June of 2020 and have been coming pretty much consistently ever since. I have worked with several staff members and they have been very considerate and sensitive to my hip pain in the gym. My hip no longer hurts constantly and they have helped me with exercises and activities to improve it. In my experience, all the exercise clubs/franchises don’t give you the individualized attention and care that I receive at Columbus Fitness Consultants. They really care that your health improves and you’re not treated like a number or just another client. It’s almost a holistic process for weight training!!! Like the Bible says, you should treat your body like a temple."

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Amy I.

"My first introduction to Columbus Fitness Consultants was in January 2017, 5 years ago, when my husband and I were looking for a good exercise bike for our basement. I had suffered a knee injury a few years before and had had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee for a torn meniscus. Arthritis had started to set in in that knee and then I suffered a torn meniscus in my left knee, which made it a chore to walk any distance. I decided not to have surgery on the left knee and opted for therapy instead. Traditional PT was limited and did not get me where I wanted to be, so when I learned about the additional therapies offered at CFC, I jumped at the chance to try them. When I started with Jonathan, my knee pain and gait were so bad that I had to have 4 weeks of MAT (muscle activation technique) and FSM (frequency specific micro-current), just to get me to the place where I could walk better and could tolerate the workouts. What a difference that therapy made! Since then, I have seen Jonathan twice a week with the exception of illness, vacations, etc. We have developed such a good rapport that I consider him to be a good friend. I have worked with Jonathan except when someone was covering for him on vacation. I know most of the other trainer/therapists by name and have witnessed the utmost of professionalism and care. My husband and son have also been clients of CFC. A good friend just started recently and is thrilled. Since starting at CFC I have lost almost 40 pounds and can walk better. My knees still hurt some, but doing MAT periodically and FSM more frequently have kept me on my feet and moving. I had a concussion 2 years ago which kept me from working out for about 2 months, but Jonathan was able to help me by doing FSM and by easing me back into working out in a safe way. Recently, Jonathan treated my knees with laser therapy, which I feel was effective at reducing some inflammation. With the ongoing therapy and workouts, I am increasingly able to do more activities with minimal pain. Given that I am 62 years old and was feeling old and less capable of doing things when I started, I feel it is remarkable that I am feeling younger and stronger 5 years later.

CFC is a wonderful place to get help rehabilitating from an injury, but it is also a great place to get personalized attention while working out, and knowing that there is expertise there to deal with any type of sports injury is helpful and comforting."

Louisa Testimonial Photo

Louisa B.

"I first started coming to Columbus Fitness Consultants in Fall of 2021 and come about 2-3 times a week. I do Muscle Activation Therapy, MAT, and Personal Training and I could not be happier with the results. I work with Sarah for MAT and Kyle for personal training. Since starting at CFC, I have been able to get more range of motion in my knees and my everyday tasks seem to get easier each day with little to no pain. I have also noticed that walking/running and steps are easier than they ever were before and the workouts through the personal training program are fit to the specific goals you want to reach. The staff here at CFC is truly amazing, they are so kind and flexible with your schedules, and you will not be disappointed!"

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Kim T.

"CFC did a complete physical assessment of my strengths and weaknesses and developed my personalized workout plan. My personal trainer directs each session, sets up the equipment, demonstrates and instructs me on each exercise, provides new and challenging workouts, and offers unlimited words of encouragement. I provide the sweat! CFC is a values based, customer-service oriented, professional business. My workout sessions are a precious gift I give to myself, an investment in my physical and mental health. Thanks, CFC, and my trainer, Kari, for helping to make that happen."

Kathy Shepherd

Kathy S.

"Joining the CFC family has been a game changer for me. My team (Andrew, Katie, Jake, and Caleb) has made significant progress reducing my pain, improving my balance, and increasing strength to the point I postponed a 3rd back fusion. Not only are they great cheerleaders, but everyone on staff is always warm and welcoming when I come through the door. What a caring atmosphere! In addition, my program is designed for me. If a technique doesn't produce results, we try something else. No "one size fits all" PT here. The team truly wants the client to improve.

I have been coming to CFC consistently for 8 months (July 2020). I look forward to the MAT and microcurrent treatments. Mastering the jelly balls is my current goal. I have referred friends and my eye doctor."

Emily Y.
Emily Y.

"Columbus Fitness Consultants changed my life! I hurt my back over Christmas 2023 and I knew I had to do something because I was in so much pain and it was affecting my mobility. I went to my chiropractor, but did not find much relief. My husband suggested I work with a PT and little did I know it would change my life! Sarah was amazing and worked with me to not only heal my back pain, but give me tools so that I could prevent this from happening again. 

That is not even the best part of my story. I had been living with a chronic illness for about 3 years. I had seen multiple doctors across various medical systems and misdiagnosed two different times. I was in Sarah's office for less than 5 minutes before she pointed out that I have hypermobility which is associated with a rare condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). I had never heard of this condition, so I went home and researched it and later made an appointment with my doctor to ask them about it. I was diagnosed with EDS within minutes. The fact that Sarah could point out a specific trait in such little time that all of my doctors missed for the past 3 years is beyond words. She could have not mentioned it and just worked with me on my back issue, but she chose to point it out, explain it, and help me understand different ways to protect my body from injury due to hypermobility. Sarah has a wonderful gift and I am forever thankful that I went to see her. Finally having a diagnosis for my chronic symptoms has changed my life in so many ways. I am now able to find treatments specific to my condition and doctors that are knowledgeable. I firmly believe if I hadn’t hurt my back and seen Sarah, I wouldn’t have found this diagnosis.

Columbus Fitness Consultants is different from any other physical therapy office I have ever been to. Their staff is so friendly and knowledgeable. They have some unique therapies and tools that they use to help restore your body that you will not find anywhere else. Sarah used MAT therapy with me and it worked wonders! I have not had any back pain since being treated. 

I love using their Nano Vi machine as it has helped me with some of my chronic brain fog and fatigue. If you want to change your life for the better, I highly suggest working with them!"

Julie Y.
Julie Y.

"I cannot say good enough things about Columbus Fitness Consultants! I began my journey with CFC in 2018 at the recommendation of my Dr. as a way to extend the life of my arthritic knee.  I was told at the age of 40 that I would need a knee replacement at some point due to extensive arthritis. When I first came to CFC I was having difficulty walking without my knee locking up and was experiencing much neck and back pain. Sarah, who I have worked with primarily for the past 5 years helped me get to where I could hike, ride my bike and still do so many of the things I love to do. MAT, individualized workouts for strength training, FSM and Nanovi are some of the tools that have worked to get me where I am today.  Sarah has worked with me as a whole individual, applying a variety of therapies based on the symptoms I am experiencing at the time.  Extending the life of my knee and strengthening my whole body will allow me to have the best outcomes whenever I do have a knee replacement.

Thanks so much to Sarah and the whole staff at CFS for providing a caring, healing holistic fitness environment!"

Connie C.
Connie C.

"I began working with a Columbus Fitness Consultants trainer two to three times weekly for approximately 15 years ago, and later added MAT. Andrew has been my trainer for the majority of those years.

Columbus Fitness Consultants consistently adds value to my life. A former physician referred me to CFC as a potential means to manage having MS. As a result of training and MAT, I no longer wear leg braces; no longer use a wheelchair; and my balance is markedly improved. All of that is in addition to the usual and customary benefits of strength training.

I am a former accomplished rock climber, including big wall and summited three of the world’s seven summits. Acquiring a physical disability put a halt to climbing as well as other sports I enjoyed. In 2016 Andrew worked with me to create and implement a plan to ride in Pelotonia. And in 2018 I rode 25 miles! CFC has shown me I can accomplish more than I thought was possible.

I have referred several friends to CFC. My physician understands the value I receive at CFC and she often tells of having referred people to CFC.

Contact Columbus Fitness Consultants today – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

Carrie M.
Carrie M.

"I have had multiple chronic health issues for more than half my life. Two of those, lipedema & fibromyalgia, cause considerable pain and unfortunately, still are not well understood by the medical community. I lived with fibro for 20 years before getting a diagnosis. It was great to finally have a name for my disease, but at the time, the only way most rheumatologists knew how to treat it was by throwing drugs at the problem. The only piece of advice I got (besides “Take your meds!”) was to stop working out because working out was causing permanent damage to my body. For years, my pain level was a 12 on a scale of 1-10.  At my worst, I was dependent on a cane and unable to walk up and down steps. 

That’s when I sought out functional medicine with Anup Konodia, MD. He approached the problem from a totally different angle than my previous physicians. We tweaked my diet, worked on getting better quality sleep and I spent a year and a half softening my fascia through Rolfing. Once I had enough mobility restored through Rolfing, I started my journey at CFC. I started coming in twice a week with Cenell for FSM. We gradually worked our way up to MAT and when I had progressed enough, I was able to start working out doing cardio, weight training and balance work. I had MAT with Jerry every six weeks to evaluate my progress. 

As I continued to get stronger and have greater range of motion, it became clear that a bone spur on my right hip would always cause pain unless there was an intervention. I was not ready for hip surgery, so I did a round of radial shockwave therapy with Jake. There is still a small spur that occasionally causes an annoying pop when I move the wrong way, but compared to the excruciating pain I had before, it’s nothing!

I currently see Sarah and we do weights twice a week followed by NanoVi. For the most part, I can get away with doing MAT after working out every couple of weeks. 

I occasionally tighten up - sometimes because I overdid it, sometimes because of a fall, and sometimes, just because I slept in a weird position. (It sucks to get old!) When I am unexpectedly tight or have a new pain, we’ll go back to FSM, throw in an extra MAT or laser the injured area. I CAN WALK WITHOUT A CANE!!!!! I haven’t had a handicap plaquared for several years. My balance and strength are better than for most women my age, not just “most handicapped women my age”.  I can travel the world and spend hours every day hiking and sightseeing with minimal pain.  

Coming to CFC has given me my life back! I’m committed to coming here twice a week for the rest of my life if it means being able to live a full life."

Read more success stories!